Help Forgotten Human Rights Activists in Asylum
Let the World know the Naked Truth of Asylum!!!!! Asylum seekers are currently the most marginalized and vulnerable underserved community experiencing widespread human rights abuses behind the walls. With the current escalated flow of asylum seekers worldwide, there is a need for collective representation. Every community experiencing rights abuse needs a significant collective voice. Our approach strengthens asylum seekers’ position to defend their rights, positioning them at the forefront of acting. They report their distresses to the committee who take action, participate in demonstrations and share stories of violence, sexual exploitation and racism for publication in the asylum voices gazette.
Asylum has lost purpose, values, and trend towards the rights of genuine asylum seekers because developed countries hosting asylum seekers have developed the perception that populations flee to come for work and better lives, in disregard to the violence in countries of origin. Asylum is now being manipulated into modern day colonial servitude. Forgotten human rights activists who have suffered grave torture and fled death are languishing in abusive accommodations and experiencing enhanced trauma due to the long case processing duration and intoxicating noise by poor economies victimized asylum seekers often rejoicing overnight for reaching Europe or the US. These have traveled through the sea from northern Africa or through jungles to reach the US from Mexico for better economic lives in contrast to activists who have fled torture and death and whose fleeing into exile indicate that they have desperately pushed for the protection of other peoples’ human rights in their countries of origin. They now dwell in abusive shared rooms with people of different backgrounds and understanding resulting in enhanced traumatic environments. Activists are now vulnerable to taking narcotic drugs to emotionally desist the traumatizing environments as are other asylum seekers.
We seek for your help as we establish the International Asylum Seekers Defenders Committee (IASDC), a for and by asylum seekers global human rights defenders’ organization working to amplify asylum seekers’ voices, investigate and justify justice in the asylum procedural, educate asylum seekers on international proclaimed human rights, investigate unusual deaths, provide unemployment resiliency support to elude servitude, and claim for a consultative seat at the UN. Digging deeper into the havoc, the committee will monitor & document human rights abuses, and introduce a quarterly gazette (Asylum Voices) to collect & share news on; influential asylum court cases, racism, the asylum crisis & colonial manipulation of asylum for unskilled labour and provide as a registered source of academic research on asylum
Our mission is to reinstate asylum purpose, values, and trend where asylum seekers are able to exercise their right to freedom, justice, and humanity. This comes at a critical time when countries like Germany, the US and the UK have finalized laws to process asylum applications whilst applicants are in a different undemocratic country where abuses will always be rampant and go unnoticed. Our philosophy is human centered based on the belief in human dignity, the right to equal freedom and peace to everyone.